Saturday, October 12, 2024

Zumbro Education District Minutes


FEBRUARY 16, 2017



6:00 PM

The Governing Board of the Zumbro Education District No. 61-6012 met in regular session on February 16, 2017 at the Zumbro Education District office.  The Chair, Michelle Vigeland, called the meeting to order.  At the roll call the following members were present:  Faith Hollasch, Kent Harfmann, Lloyd Henslin, Lana Mindrup, Kerry Hayden and Carol Anhalt, Executive Director.  Rob Mathias was absent.  Heidi Kass recorded the minutes.

Motion by Mindrup, seconded by Hollasch to approve the amended agenda.  Voting for:  Hollasch, Hayden, Harfmann, Mindrup, Henslin, and Vigeland. Voting against: none.

There were no Board member requests.

Consent agenda items as follows:

2.1 Approval of January 19, 2017 minutes

2.2 Approval of February 7, 2017 minutes

2.3 Approval of January 2017 Electronic Fund Transfers of $415,000

2.4 Approval of February 2017 Claims and Bills: Checks numbered 50264-50270 and 50279-50407 for $194,212.56; wire payments of taxes on January 31, 2017 and February 15, 2017 of $82,850.30.

The Board received an update from Jerry Robicheau, BKB Consultants, on the search for a new Executive Director.  Jerry has met with all of the stakeholder groups to develop a leader profile. Considering input from Jerry Robicheau and the recommendation of the Superintendent’s Advisory Council, the board discussed whether or not the current position of Executive Director should be split into two positions; Executive Director and Director of Special Education. Splitting the positions would require revising the position posting and extending the hiring process by a few weeks.

Carol Anhalt presented the Director’s Report.  A complete report is on file at the ZED office.  The Extended School Year (ESY) Program will be held at Kasson-Mantorville and Stewartville schools this summer.  ZED Summer Academy, a summer enrichment program for gifted and talented students, will be held June 19-23rd at Triton High School.  Carol updated the Board on current enrollment numbers for some of ZED’s programs, including the information that four students graduated mid-year from the ZED ALC. 

Carol shared that staff are gathering input from students and staff in regards to career/tech classes they would be interested in taking and ways that the ALC facility can be improved.  Staff is also planning to meet with consultants that will be able to assist in getting cost estimates for priority improvements.

Due to the lengthy agenda, the Financial Report was postponed until the March Board meeting.

Faith Hollasch suggested that ZED work with land owners and legal council to draft Right of First Refusal documents for the two pieces of property south of the current ZED South Campus that were under consideration for the site of a new facility.

Motion by Hayden, seconded by Harfmann to postpone land purchase indefinitely. Voting for:  Hollasch, Hayden, Harfmann, Mindrup, Henslin, and Vigeland. Voting against: none.

The Board went on to discuss recommendations from the Superintendent’s Advisory Council related to ZED facilities which were: 1. Move forward to negotiate a 3-year lease of space in the Byron District Administration and Community Services Building as a short-term solution; 2. Approve a renovation budget of up to $80,000 for current space using the ZED fund balance; 3.  Work to expand current ALC offerings to include off-campus sites such as the Byron High School or the K-M High School.

Motion by Mindrup, seconded by Hayden for ZED to negotiate a 3-year lease with the Byron School District for space in the Byron District Administrative and Community Services building for the ALC and Transition To Success Program for the period of July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2020.  Voting for: Hayden, Harfmann, Mindrup, Henslin, and Vigeland. Voting against: none.  Hollasch abstained.

Motion by Harfmann, seconded by Mindrup to direct the administration to put together a list of recommended improvements at the Byron District Administrative and Community Services building with funding to be determined.  Voting for: Hayden, Harfmann, Mindrup, Henslin, and Vigeland. Voting against: none.  Hollasch abstaining.

Kerry Hayden left the meeting at 7:22 p.m.

Heidi Kass distributed information on estimates of what the salary and benefit packages might look like for the new administrative positions and ideas on how those positions could be funded.  The information was based on current Executive Director and Director of Sp. Ed. positions in S.E. Minnesota.

Motion by Hollasch, seconded by Vigeland to reinstate the position of Director of Special Education beginning with the 2017-2018 school year. Voting for:  Hollasch, Harfmann, Mindrup, Henslin, and Vigeland. Voting against: none.

Michelle Vigeland and Kent Harfmann volunteered to help review the job descriptions and get them updated for both positions.

Motion by Henslin, seconded by Hollasch to approve the budget revision for the 2016-2017 school year as presented.  Voting for:  Hollasch, Harfmann, Mindrup, Henslin, and Vigeland. Voting against: none.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on March 16, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the ZED Area Learning Center in Byron, MN.

Motion to adjourn by Mindrup.  

Michelle Vigeland adjourned the meeting at 8:50 p.m.

Heidi Kass, Recorder

Faith Hollasch, Clerk/Treasurer



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