‘A feather in our hat’
Brett Joyce said about 1,500 people attended the 2016 Dodge County Expo – and at least that many attended the 19th-annual event Saturday, April 1 at Triton High School in Dodge Center.
They filled each of the large gyms and the mult-purpose room, checking out some 120 booths representing everything from Rookie the Clown and Born Again Clock Repair to the Zumbro Bend Rendezvous, the City of West Concord, the Dodge County Historical Society, Moenning Meats, and a popular “virtual reality” game.
“Very cool thing,” said Joyce, Triton schools superintendent. “We’ve really enjoyed our affiliation with the Business Expo for a number of years. We think our facility is great, having the two gyms side-by-side. It seems to work out well. We just seem to see more and more booths every year, so it’s a very popular venue. We’re glad to support the local businesses. It’s a feather in our hat,” he said.
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