Friday, September 13, 2024


Youngsters line the bank of the river for the Marigold Days Kids’ Fishing Contest at Goat Island in Mantorville. For more photos of the Marigold Days activities see page A10 of this week’s Dodge County Independent.    
For months city officials from Claremont, Kasson, Dodge Center, and Mantorville, the communities that are part of the Dodge Center Ambulance Primary Service Area, have discussed the possibility of creating a taxing district, in order to be able to raise and appropriate the needed funds to keep the...
Mantorville residents and businesses celebrated the completion of the Highway 57 reconstruction project last Thursday with a ribbon cutting ceremony a day before the Marigold Days celebration. The highway, which runs through downtown Mantorville officially reopened for traffic on Aug. 18. Work on...
A proposed ordinance change could be costly for those who don’t attend meetings if enacted by the Kasson City Council. Last month, the City Council was presented with a potential change to its ordinance regulating the salaries for councilmembers and the mayor. “It’s that time of the year where...
Choking back tears, Jason Mullenbach recalled the day he realized his father’s dementia wasn’t going to get any better. Don Mullenbach taught his son things throughout his entire life. He could fix anything and knew everything. But one day, a couple of years after being diagnosed, Jason was working...
Dodge County Renovation Reuse has now been up and running for a year. The project received the 2022 Greater Minnesota Recycling and Composting Grant through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and the building was constructed in June 2023. The grant was received as a way to cut down on the...
A group of Kasson-Mantorville retired teachers met at Hidden Pines for lunch on September 5 as they have been meeting during the first week of the K-M school year for the past several years. L — R: Marie Torkelson, Nathan Davidson, Lynette Huppler, Michael O’Neill, Nancy Wiitanen, JoAnn O’Neill,...
While going to an emergency room is not something any one of us want to do, it is nice to know that they are there when we need them. But the dynamics of an emergency room is not like other parts of society. First come, first serve is an operating principle for many businesses, however that is not...
As September marks Kinship Care Month, we take this opportunity to recognize and celebrate the essential role of kinship caregivers—grandparents, aunts, uncles, older siblings, and close family friends—who step in to provide safe, loving, and stable homes for children when their parents cannot....
The third annual Oktoberfest in Kasson is Sept. 28, with hundreds expected to attend. Kicking things off is the Wurst Dog Derby at 1 p.m. at the Zumbro Valley Golf Course. At 1:30 p.m., on Main Street, there’s a host of events, including new features, such as craft vendors, llama obstacle course,...


Dodge County Independent

Dodge County Independent
Dodge County ADvantage
301 S. Mantorville Ave.
Plaza 57 • Suite 200
Kasson, MN 55944

Dodge County Printing
301 S. Mantorville Ave.
Plaza 57 • Suite 200
Kasson, MN 55944

Monday-Thursday 10a.m.-3p.m.