Triton FFA members compete at State Fair
Members of the Triton FFA Chapter competed at the Minnesota State Fair earlier this month.
Participants and their categories included Anna Ridenour, Dasmine Marquardt, and Sydney Rysavy (Goats); Cadence Spearman (Dairy); John Moenning and Elyssa Robinson (Swine).
Chapter Awards:
Champion Chapter Meat Goat Herd
Premier Chapter Exhibitor Market Goats
2nd place overall Supreme Chapter Exhibitor Goats
2nd place Premier Chapter Exhibitor Dairy
Individual Accomplishments:
Grand Champion Goat Carcass- Anna Ridenour
Reserve Grand Champion Goat Carcass- Dasmine Marquardt
Grand Champion Graduate Showperson- Anna Ridenour
Champion Commercial Pair of Meat Type Breeding Does- Anna Ridenour
Reserve Champion Commercial Pair of Meat Type Breeding Does- Anna Ridenour
Grand Champion Senior Showperson- Cadence Spearman
Holstein Senior Champion- Cadence Spearman
Grand Champion Holstein- Cadence Spearman
Ayrshire Junior Champion- Cadence Spearman
Ayrshire Senior Champion- Cadence Spearman
Ayrshire Grand Champion- Cadence Spearman
Milking Shorthorn Junior Champion- Cadence Spearman
Milking Shorthorn Senior Champion- Cadence Spearman
Milking Shorthorn Grand Champion- Cadence Spearman